Oh, look how cute...Morgan is coloring her eggs!
Tanner and Rayce are working hard at this project. Needless to say, Tanner is like his mother in regards to not liking his picture taken... SMILE, I'm taking it anyways!
Wade, now here is a boy that keeps us hopping!!! Beautiful eggs my dear, just beautiful!
Well, he is a kid at heart, what can I say! I love this man, but his artwork does leave something to be desired. Good thing I married him for other reasons...
Enterprise city has an annual Easter Egg hunt at the Little League fields. It is usually pretty chilly, but not to bad this year. Tanner, Rayce and I are waiting for them to blow the whistle.
Wade and a friend are making their game plan. Wade is the one on the far right.
Ok, so Rayce got cold and I gave him my jacket. Hopefully Tanner will get back (he went home to get Rayce's coat) before I freeze! I hate to be cold...
Well, Tanner didn't make it back before they started. oh well. Last year Rayce come home with nothing because at the first of the hunt they announced that there was plastic eggs on the field with numbers on them. And if you found one you could win a bike or some other prize. So, he by passed all the candy and toys in search of the illusive prize egg. But, he never found and came home with nothing. So, we had the pep talk...pick-up everything and maybe you will just happen to find the prize egg. But, if not atleast you get something. He stuck to the plan, good job my little man!
Wade, made a haul! He passed up alot of the candy (diabetes you know) and went for the prizes. So, while the other kids were picking up tootie frooties, wade got atleast 2 of every toy out there. Working the perimeter doesn't hurt either.
Wade is on the hunt.
Morgan looking for the elusive egg...
Rhett wants the egg with the money in it... He couldn't find his, but we found Miley's from last year that had money in it!
Brandon, well I'm not sure what he is talking about. Probably sending one of his boys on a wild goose chase looking for their eggs!!!
Ok, so I haven't taken many pictures in the dark. And my camera is smarter than me. My mom posed for this picture forever. But, you would never know it if I didn't tell ya, she looks so natural!!!
This is Dale (Marcie's husband) looking in the neighbors plants. He always seems to find the eggs hidden there.
Rayce, helll-ooo, I am pretty sure a colored egg won't be right in front of you in grandma's white rocks!!!
Oh, well, Dad will give you hints on where to look...
See, I told you Rhett would know where the eggs would be!