Well, Rhett turned the big 4-0 this year. I have been telling him for years that we were going to do something special for his 40th birthday. He kept telling me no, and that we weren't going to spend money on his birthday. (Rhett is very selfless that way, he never wants to spend money on his self like that).
I had 2 ideas. I was going to take him to a Denver Broncos football game in Denver or take him to the Las Vegas Speedway and buy him a Richard Petty driving experience. There was a football game in Denver the weekend of his birthday and a Monday night game the next weekend. So, I asked him how much work he would be willing to miss. I wanted to know if he would miss a Monday or a Monday and Tuesday. He told me neither because of the Ivins City job he was working on. So, no football game for Rhett. So, I called the Vegas Speedway and bought him a Richard Petty driving experience. I had been trying to keep it a secret from him. He knew we were doing something, but not what. I am terrible at keeping secrets from Rhett. But,I decided that since he has wanted to do this for so long, I would make him anticipate it. About one day before we left I gave him a package with his ticket and all his paperwork. He was really excited! I hope he enjoyed this birthday...

Driving to the race track. Rhett's birthday is in September, and one of Rhett's favorite past times in hunting elk. So, every August he has to start growing his beard for hunting season. The dumb thing stays on until he shoots his elk or admits defeat.
Part of the classroom. Before they would let Rhett and the other drivers drive the race car, they have to sit through and hour class.
This is Rhett in his driving jumpsuit. It is huge! Rhett must look really big, because the lady passing out the jumpsuits gave Rhett a huge one. I told him he is not fat, he just has a big presence about him. He looked at me like I am crazy.
Back of the track
While Rhett was in class, I walked around and took pictures. This is one of the instructor's cars. It is in a pit garage.
More pit pictures.
A Richard Petty car in the pit garage
Rhett and Rachelle at the track right before he drives. It was really windy. I was nervous. The instructor drives in front of Rhett and Rhett is driving a race car behind him. The instructor will go as fast as Rhett will keep up with. And Rhett wants to go fast. He has wanted to do this for about 6 years. I hope he has fun! (he did)
Posing for the photographer
Look he grinned! Not quiet a smile, but close.
Modeling his helmet. On the side of pit row, where they take off from,they had big tents set up for the spectators. That's where I am.
The guy is hooking up the neck safety device thing.
Climbing in
Buckle up and please don't forget to put the steering wheel back on!
Off we go...
Rhett following his instructor.
The instructor is the first car and Rhett is the second one. They were going fast enough that it was hard to get pictures of him actually racing.
There were a couple other birthday boys there. One turning 30, Rhett turning 40 and a guy turning 50. Some of them brought their families there to race with them. The one lady that raced and Rhett maxed out the speed they would let you go. Rhett went about 133. He wanted to go faster. If we wanted to buy more laps,they said they would let him. Rhett said maybe next time. We still had other plans in Vegas.
We had a great time. We did our own thing, saw stuff we wanted to, and did some shopping. Saturday night we went to Excalibur for dinner and a show. We watched to the Tournament of Kings show. It was fun. I swear every time Rhett and I go out town we end up by the really drunk people. There was this couple next to us that was wasted. By the end of the show the lady had booed everyone, thrown stuff and told the "hero" To kick his A**! (very loudly) We were cheering for France and she kept trying to get the King of France knight to give her a kiss. He finally came over and kissed her on the hand. I think he was just trying to quiet her down. It was hilarious!