Thursday, May 9, 2013

Junior Prom 2013

Here are some pictures from the Junior Prom.  Tanner is a Junior and he took Braydee Webb.  Morgan is a Sophomore and Ryan Lee asked her.

Tanner in his tux before he went to pick up his date.

Morgan trying to get Ryan's bu tonier pinned on him.  Needless to say, I had to pin it for her.

Morgan and Ryan before the dance.  Do you like my empty picture frame behind them?  Tanner made it and we have not had any family pictures since to put in it.
Tanner at the prom
Morgan and Ryan, that is Brady in the back.
Rhett Blackburn, Tanner Jeffery and Brock Taylor
Morgan, Ryan, Tanner and Brady.
Tanner and Braydee.  They double dated with Kelbi Christensen and her date Hayden.  On the far right is Brinlee Chappell.
Tanner and Braydee
Tanner, Braydee, Kelbi and Hayden
This is the floor show, you can see Tanner and Braydee behind the first couple on the left.
The parents dance with their children after the floor show. So, this is Tanner and Rachelle

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter 2013

Well, there are certain things I am really not good about taking pictures of.  But, for some reason I am really good about taking pictures of us coloring eggs at Easter time.  The Thursday before Easter Wade went with Tanner to Cainville riding motorcyles.  He went off a jump and broke his leg on the landing.  Apparently it was a little bit high of a jump.
Morgan, Rayce, Tanner and Rhett coloring eggs.  We are in the VanDyke house we are renting right now in Lyman.
Wade, Morgan and Rayce
Not so happy Wade.  He doesn't really feel good at all.  The pain medicine helps though.
Here's my honey, Rhett.
And this is Morgan on a Saturday when you don't have to primp so much.  Still a cutie!!!
Rayce, what a smile!
Tanner still has his blonde strip in his hair from state wrestling.
Wade, not so happy still...
But, leave it to Morgan, she'll get anyone smiling if you give her enough time!!!
Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Morgan Eating Sushi

So, every time we go somewhere and Morgan sees a sushi place, she always wants to stop and eat some.  I had sushi a lot when I went to Japan and I can honestly say there is some of it I like and some of it I hate.  I think it has a very sea-weedy taste (go figure, that's what it is wrapped in)  So, this year for Boys Region Basketball, it was in Cedar City.  All the cheerleaders had free time to go find their own dinner.  Morgan and I decided it was time to try the sushi.
This is what she ate.
She didn't really like it.  At one point I was laughing histarically and she actually gagged.  After she looked at me and said,"Did I just gag?"  So funny, but she was determined to try it.  I had a great time!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Wrestling State 2013

Tanner did Great!!!  He took second in his weight division, 113 lbs.  I couldn't get very close to get a decent picture.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Region Tournament 2013

This is the last match Tanner had at REgion tournament.  If he wins he takes 1st.  If he looses he takes 2nd.

He ended up wrestling a kid from Monticello.  You can see Rhett in the left hand corner.  He was one of Tanner's coaches.  He had to wear a face mask the end of the season because his nose got broke at Manti Tournament and then it just keep getting rehit.  It would never really heal up very well and hurt, so he wore the mask.