Nice hat Mattey!!! Don't let that big ol' hat get the best of ya little man. We had fun. Now, time for Cabelas and Park City...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Dinosaur Museum
So, as I said before...For part of our vacation we went to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. We have been before when our kids were younger. So, we wanted our little boys to get to see to displays now that they are bigger.
This is Rhett and Morgan. They have a science room when you first enter the museum. They are playing with a gravity experiment.
Rayce is standing in front of a dinosaur leg.
This is Wade in front of the same leg. The window behind him has archaeologists working behind it. You can stop and watch them work for a while if you want.
Morgan and Rayce in front of some smaller dinosaurs. Rayce always wants his picture taken and Morgan is more than willing to join him.
Rhett reading about this dinosaur.
Here is Rayce sitting on Morgan's shoulders under the skeleton of a Brachiosaurus dinosaur. I can't believe how huge this animal was. (by the way Morgan wants me to state that this is good use of her cheerleading skills, since her and Rayce are doing a shoulder sit.)
Same skeleton. I thought it was interesting that the 2 of them on come up to the knee joint!
Wade and his mad modeling skills.
Now everyone was pretty good sports about me taking their pictures. Except Tanner. I was sneaking around the museum the whole time trying to get pictures of him. Finally half way through he gave up and let me take some. You would be amazed at all the failed attempts I had to delete!
Here is a display of the famous T-rex dinosaurs. There are 2 of them fighting over another dinosaur (dinner) that one of them has trapped under his foot.
There is a room that we took a break at. Wade and Rayce put on aprons and dove right in. It teaches about erosion. There is sand in there and little plastic dinosaurs, trees and other plants. They can build little island and watch what the water in there does to them.
Wade making a sand dam. Rayce pushing water towards it to wreck it. Oh, the memories...
Wade built this nice little dinosaur haven.
Morgan decided that there needed to be some pictures of me. Rayce wanted to be in them, too.
I have no idea what kind of dinosaur this is. It looks like a mini T-Rex.
I thought this massive sea turtle hanging from the ceiling was cool. Note: another sneak attempt to get Tanner in a picture.)
He gave in...Tanner and something. Nice pose.
What, there is something behind us? Oh no! We are going to die!!! Wade and Morgan loved this shark
The world is so heavy...
I agree...
Awe, much better if you position your body under it. Now I can hold it up. End of the museum
But wait, they were having pirate day. And Rayce would not let us leave until he made a pirate hat. So, we all stood in the lobby and waited for him. The only way Rhett and Tanner survived, was the promise to visit Cabelas down the road.

Nice hat Mattey!!! Don't let that big ol' hat get the best of ya little man. We had fun. Now, time for Cabelas and Park City...
Nice hat Mattey!!! Don't let that big ol' hat get the best of ya little man. We had fun. Now, time for Cabelas and Park City...
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