Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Heber Creeper

Part of our family reunion was to ride the Heber Creeper. We stayed in Park City and drove down to Heber to get on the train. It was a lot of fun. They had a snack car, so the kids really enjoyed walking to that car and buying some snacks while we rode. Rhett enjoyed the swaying motion enough, he fell asleep on the way back. But, so did some of my nieces and nephews. Rayce couldn't wait to go to the snack car. Finally about 10 minutes into the ride, I gave in. When we got there, there was a little bird stuck in the car. It was flying all over the place trying to get out. Everyone was ducking and swaying (from the train), trying to dodge it. I bet we looked ridiculous. There was one lady I thought was going to cry. She kept saying, "Poor little bird, I feel so bad for it. It just wants to be free. Can't someone help it?" (And other similar things) So help arrive. 2 train conductors were called in for the emergency. The had to be at least 70 years old. They pulled on there gloves and then we got the entertainment of watching them try and catch this bird. Needless to say, the bird finally found there was an opening in the side of the car and flew away. Thank goodness for both our conductors and that lady. I didn't want them to injure them selves and I didn't want her to break down into complete hysterics!!!

Pictures coming soon

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